
" please forgive me please "

trembling badly the man in his mid 30s begged for mercy. His face was filled with his tears and his own blood.

but the one from he was begging mercy , was merciless. maybe God can forgive someone but he couldn't. he was the underworld king " V" the merciless devil . whom everyone knew .whom everyone shivered of .

but only his betrayers saw his face , before their death . because he disguised himself as " Kashish Goenka " one of the richest businessman in Asia.

"you should have think before betraying me " Kashish said and gestured his men to stop beating him .

he held his face and said "you shouldn't have leaked the details of the project to our rival company.  because of you I almost lost the deal . and you know I hate this feeling a lot . you shouldn't have provoked the inner devil of me . now face theconciousness."

The raven haired man released the bloodied man from his grip and said to his men " burn him alive  "

The raven haired man's face was cold as ice as he ordered his men .

" no ....no.....please .....no........."

all his pleadings went him vein . they burned him alive . Ak aka Kashish Goenka just this sitting inside his car .

the man's painful screams were echoing everywhere

" ah !!! this screams!!! I love to hear these screams " the raven haired man stated while watching with a strange calmness spreading through his face.





Kashish Goenka’s frustration was palpable . He slammed his hands on the table with such force that everyone in the room flinched. The young CEO’s temper was notorious, and today was no exception.

“Why the hell aren’t they here yet?” Kashish’s voice was a low growl. He turned to Ved Prakash, his ever-loyal assistant, with a fierce glare. “Ved! Didn’t you tell them we don’t work with unprofessional companies?”

Ved, the dirty blonde-haired right hand of Kashish, lowered his head. “I did, sir. They assured me they’re professionals like us. I’ve checked their credentials—they’re considered the best in their field.”

Kashish’s eyes narrowed. “Did I ask for a praise session?”

Ved shook his head, keeping his gaze averted.

“Then why are you telling me this? just freaking call them and say we don't want to work with them anymore I don't want to work with unprofessional people "

“But Kashish—”

The CEO’s glare silenced Ved. “Do I need to repeat myself?”

“No, sir "

the young ceo's assistant was about to call the someone but two women entered the room turning everyone's head towards their direction.

one of the woman then spoke "sorry, we are late sir . we are extremely sorry for this unprofessional behavior. but our car got punctured and there was no mechanic. we are again sorry. I am Kriti , and she is Arshi "

" but we are not --- " Ved started but was cut off by another feminine voice which wasn't belong to the earlier mentioned two women.

" sorry everyone for this unprofessional behavior "

A woman around 27 years old entered the room . she was wearing a simple office outfit. her height was not much around 5'4" .she was not well shaped. she was a bit skinny.

but her aura was everything. the way she spoke was everything - a cold voice which indicated her calmness . her face was very beautiful. but not . more than her eyes . her eyes were dark brown. which were indicating the power, the confidence she was holding.her beautiful dark brown hair was complementing her dark brown eyes .

she was walking like a queen.

" I am Sanvi Mehta,  CEO of 'MEHTA CORPORATION ' . shall we start the meeting?

" but you are late Miss Mehta " the young ceo with raven said in his most dominant and intimidating voice. but this didn't effect Sanvi’s confidence

"I guess, we have already apologized for this and I assume you all don't want to delay this meeting a bit more by arguing . May we start now ? "

the young woman ceo again spoke with calmness

"are you sure after this you will able to work with us ?" Kashish asked. His voice dominating.

"the time will decide this . you didn't answer my question, Mr.Goenka  .. shall we start the meeting?"

everyone was shocked by the young woman ceo's boldness . no one dares to talk to the young raven haired ceo like this .

now everyone was expecting the dark haired ceo to put out his anger on the young brown haired female . they were ready to hear his growls. but dark haired man's next words shocked everyone even more

"okay then . the time will tell everything. we should start the meeting."

this was the first time the dark haired man was continuing themeeting even the other company was late .

" Arshi , Kriti ! set the diagram " 

The said women did which they were told .

" so our plan is ......."

the dark brown haired woman was describing her plan like a queen. her every movement was like a tigress.

The dark haired young ceo was just looking at the brown beauty rather than the project.

it's true she was not as beautiful as any model . but her aura was captivating everyone's eyes. her lips , the way she was speaking was hard to ignore for the dark haired ceo .

The dark haired ceo met many women . even more beautiful than her . but he never noticed a woman like her . it was like she was spelling a crust on him. 


After some time, Sanvi concluded her presentation. “So that’s it. I hope we haven’t wasted your time.” Her gaze fixed on Kashish.

Kashish nodded. “Yes, I must admit, time does tell. We’re willing to proceed with the deal. However, any sign of unprofessional behavior, and the deal is off.”

" I guess that will not happen "

the dark brown haired woman and the dark haired man shook their hands. when the brown haired female ceo's hand touched the dark haired male ceo's , he felt something different. something he didn't fell with anyone's touch.

"we shall leave now . another details of this deal should be discussed with my assistant Arshi "

She and her team left the room. Kashish’s own team followed suit, leaving him alone with Ved.

Ved looked at Kashish with curiosity. “What’s going on, Kashish?”

Kashish’s gaze remained fixed on the door through which Sanvi had exited. “What do you mean?”

Ved, not merely a secretary but a close confidant and a fellow member of Kashish’s inner circle, pressed further. “A moment ago, you were ready to cancel the deal, and now you’ve given her a chance. You’ve never done that before. What’s different this time?”

Kashish shrugged, his thoughts elsewhere. “I don’t know. Didn’t you say they are the best in their field? That’s why I gave them a chance.”

Ved was about to say more, but Kashish cut him off. “Let’s focus on something else for now.”

As Ved left, Kashish sat alone, lost in thought.

“It’s true,” Kashish mused to himself, “I don’t give anyone a second chance. So why did I give her one? And why did I feel that strange sensation when she touched my hand?”


Three days had passed since the meeting. Kashish, in his cabin, leaned back in his chair with a sigh. The last few days had been filled with frustration. He couldn’t concentrate on work, his mind incessantly wandering back to Sanvi Mehta—the way she spoke, her walk, her eyes, her touch. Everything about her seemed to haunt his thoughts.

“This can’t be,” Kashish muttered. “A girl shouldn’t be a distraction.”

At that moment, Ved entered with a stack of papers. “You asked for Miss Mehta’s information. Here it is.”

Kashish took the papers and dismissed Ved with a wave. After Ved left, Kashish skimmed through the documents.

“Perhaps learning more about you will help me focus on my work,” he thought.

**//In papers//**

Sanvi Mehta, 27 years old. Lives with her parents, an only child. Known for her relentless work ethic and the success of her company. Outside of her parents and company, she is actively involved with “Sunshine Orphanage.”

She was engaged a year ago, but she broke off her engagement with her fiance Nivan Malik.

**//File Closed//**

Kashish frowned as he read the information. “There’s nothing extraordinary here. Yet, I feel compelled to know more about you. What drives your calm demeanor, Sanvi Mehta? Who are you beyond this data?”


Three weeks had passed since their first meeting. As they continued working together, Kashish found himself increasingly captivated by Sanvi’s presence. His fascination bordered on obsession. He began to monitor her movements, a behavior he knew was unhealthy but couldn’t resist. The desire to see her had become a daily habit. Kashish recognized that if he didn’t control himself, it would soon become an obsession - a Lethal Obsession

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Parallel World 59

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Parallel World 59

an unhealthy obsession with enemies to lovers